SMI Student Coalition: Open-Access Resources

Welcome to the SMISC’s open-access webpage! Here you can learn more about the Street Medicine Institute Student Coalition (SMISC)’s mission and access some of  the most essential resources the students of street medicine have created since 2018. We hope you find inspiration and joy as you learn more about effective ways to “go to the people” with humility and love. We encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter so you can learn about SMISC events and opportunities.

We also hope that you can use what you learn from this webpage and SMISC events to educate your colleagues, support or launch street medicine programs in your community, and/or apply what you learn from street medicine to your work in other initiatives/disciplines. We encourage you to visit other parts of the Street Medicine Institute (SMI) website for additional resources. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out  to us at: [email protected].


The Street Medicine Institute Student Coalition is dedicated to promoting inclusive, reality-based, person-centered care for our unsheltered homeless community members throughout the world. We strive to inspire and equip students to provide high-quality Street Medicine through transdisciplinary student, consumer, and community collaboration. Viewing the streets as a classroom for social justice with the privilege to empathetically learn from the people, we hope to instill the transcending principles of Street Medicine throughout healthcare systems. 

4 Essential Webinars:

  1. David Deci, MD, Steps to Success - Street Medicine 101  

  2. Corinne Feldman, MMS, PA-C: When Worlds Collide: Cognitive Dysfunction and Homelessness 

  3. Dr. Emma Lo: Reducing the Harm of Opioid Use in the Streets 

  4. Dr. Jim Withers and Dr. Denise Kohl: Lessons from a Classroom of the Streets 

3 Essential Documents:

  1. 2021 updated NeedsAssessment SMISC Needs Assessment FINAL 2021.docx

  2. List of student colleges/universities that have street medicine teams 

Additional TED Talks we recommend:

The Street Medicine Movement | Jim Withers | TEDxPittsburgh

Street Medicine: Caring for the Homeless with Radical Humility  | Brett Feldman | TEDxGrandPark

Connect With Us!


We encourage you to sign up for a SMISC membership for $51/ year!

Become a Student Member


Members receive a 50% discount on ISMS registration, Street Medicine 101 registration, and CME credits. The following are additional SMISC member-exclusive benefits: 

  1. List of electives/residency opportunities involving street medicine (psych and social work resources coming soon!)

  2. SMISC Advocacy document - to be released soon

  3. SMISC Safety & Liability document - to be released soon

  4. All other documents in SMISC google drive – including more webinars, example proposals student teams have presented to their administration, student street medicine research documents, safety protocols documents presentations previous street medicine teams have given to new members, and more…compiled since 2018! 

In addition to the following benefits that come with both the SMISC and SMI membership:

  • Access to SMI’s job board and information about street medicine specific fellowships 

  • Access to resources supportive of new street medicine program development

  • Access to experts through our forums who are ready to answer your questions related to Street Medicine

  • A platform for you to provide input regarding the growing Street Medicine movement both within the United States and around the world

  • Access to a community of street medicine providers with whom you can discuss relevant topics and questions